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4 Free Ways to Start Exploring Marketing Data

4 Free Ways to Start Exploring Marketing Data

One of the most challenging aspects of learning more about data analysis as a marketer is access to data. 

Here are 4 free and accessible ways to start exploring data for marketing.

(This is a slightly longer version of a LinkedIn post. Check it out to see what others had to add.)

1. Google Analytics Demo account

Use this to: Get familiar with the platform and learn more about using it to its fullest. 

You’ll need: A Google account, and knowledge of Google analytics metrics and dimensions. 

If you’re just getting started Google also has free courses and tons of documentation about using Google Analytics. 

Good to know: This set is for an eCommerce site, so it’s good to understand that different types of websites will have different onsite goals and measurements. 

Trying to apply e-commerce principles to a B2B website for a company 

with with a long sales cycle is not realistic and tends to lead to more short-term focused strategies. 

How to find it: Search “Google Analytics Demo Account” Should be the first result, or click the header above. 

2. The Cyclistic Bikeshare sample Dataset

Use this to: Practice advanced data analysis on a robust dataset. 

This data set is great to use because since it’s included in a Google course you can not only find a guide to help, you can also search for other people’s work after you’re done, and compare notes. 

The challenge of the project is to make marketing recommendations from user data. 

You’ll need: Beginner-intermediate knowledge of SQL, R, or Python to work on this one. 

You will also need data visualization skills and familiarity with Tableau Public or another easily accessible data viz platform. 

Good to know: If you’re a beginner at marketing and/or data analysis, you may want to take the full course. 

If you’re familiar with analyzing marketing data and you’ve presented recommendations before, you can probably skip a lot of the course, but it’s good to get a full-picture view. 

How to find it: You can locate the files for this data by checking out the Google Professional Data Analytics certificate course on Coursera

The course is available to audit for free, but you can pay if you want to gain the certification. 

If you want to see what I created with the data, check out my GitHub.

3. Kaggle

Use this to: Find datasets to play with to either work on some more basics skills, such as using SQL, R, or Python. 

You can also explore others’ work to find ideas for projects to build on your own from data you find on Kaggle. 

You’ll need: A Kaggle account and access to the tools for the programming language you want to use. 

Good to know: You can also explore others’ work to find ideas for projects to build on your own from data you find on Kaggle. This is a community 

How to find it: Search for the Kaggle site.

4. Advertools (Python Library) 

Use this to: experiment with using this Python library for multiple marketing functions. 

This is not a dataset, but you can crawl sites, generate keywords, analyze social posts, and more to compile data.

You’ll need: Some knowledge of Python, Jupyter Notebook, the Advertools library installed, and a Google Developer account for certain functions. 

Good to know: If you search for Advertools, there’s a lot of good info out there. 

How to find it: Perform a search for Advertools to learn more and read documentation. 

Using this one does require additional setup of accounts if you’ve a beginner. 

Check out my GitHub for one example of how I’ve used Advertools. 

That’s it! You now have what you need to start practicing with marketing data. Got a question? Reach out to me on LinkedIn

Free Marketing Certifications You Can Earn at Home

Free Marketing Certifications You Can Earn at Home

Free marketing certifications can be a good way to start learning the skills you need to work at home in digital marketing. There are a lot of options out there, and you don’t have to spend a dime!

What to Consider Before You Jump In

These are free, right? So why would you think too hard about jumping in? A lot of these certifications are platform-specific. You’ll want to make sure that earning these certifications will actually help you land clients or get a job and earn money. Think about it – nothing in life is free, especially your time. Do a little research before you get started to make sure the certifications are actually in demand. You also may want to consider whether or not you’ll be able to put into practice what you’ve learned in a real environment until you score a paying gig.

HubSpot Academy

HubSpot sells marketing SaaS products and has a variety of free certifications available on its HubSpot Academy page. Experience with HubSpot is currently frequently desired in digital marketing job descriptions. Also, many of the certifications are broad enough that they can be applied to a lot of different platforms.

Google Analytics Individual Qualification

The Google Analytics Individual Qualification (GAIQ) can be earned completely free online. Google even offers the courses necessary to learn the exam material at their Google Analytics Academy. If you’re going to have a website at all, this is a good place to get a primer on how to use Google Analytics. It’s also a basic requirement for many digital marketing specialist positions.

If you’re not super into numbers or don’t plan on working with websites much, Google Digital Garage may be a better place for you to start. Bonus: You can also find courses here focused on soft skills like networking. Since Google’s not going away any time soon, these are fantastic certifications to earn.

Alison Diploma in E-business

This Alison certification is fantastic for anyone who’s going into business for themselves. You will walk away with a marketing plan and learn more about copywriting and keywords. This site also has a plethora of other courses that can help get you on the road to better conversion rates.

Do you need free marketing certifications?

Maybe, maybe not. There are a ton of other free learning options out there that can help jumpstart your digital career. It may come down to how you learn (structured modules vs. random YouTube videos.) At this time, I personally have none of these free marketing certifications, but I’ve used other resources on these sites to learn how to do what I need to do. Then again, I also have a graduate degree that included courses on digital media, information architecture, and web design. Only you will know what’s best, but these are all solid choices if you’re looking to learn a lot and gain credibility.

Hope this helped you! If it did, will you please spread the word to someone else?