Side Hustle Myths to Rethink in 2021
Please forgive me for the buzz-phrase in the headline, but level with me here. Side hustle culture doesn’t have to be written off as not for everyone, or toxic. It’s absolutely okay to consider anything you want your side hustle. Let’s shift the narrative in 2021 to anything that makes you a happier person.

Side Hustles Have to Make Money Now
Let’s face it, a lot of people get an extra job and call it a side hustle. It only makes them an employee for someone else. Some side hustles are more flexible than others. There are plenty of things you can start right now that will make you absolutely zero money, but might make you a better person. Invest in your own happiness and you just might accidentally stumble into some money in the future.
Side Hustles Go Until 2:00 a.m.
Look I’ve never been a night owl. It just doesn’t look great on me the next day. Some people may have 7 extra hours a day they’re looking to fill and some might struggle to find 20 minutes. What good does it do to measure your success by time spent anyway? We’ve all known that person who got to work early, left late and had nothing to show for it. You don’t have to burn the midnight oil to make something great happen.
Side Hustles Should Grow Quickly
Slow is fast. What can you do to improve whatever you’re working on by .1% per day. No one loses 100 pounds in a day. What you are now is a direct result of your habits your whole life. Think of your side hustle as a habit you’re investing time into to return a better you.
Side Hustles Are Not for Me
Whether you think about it or not, you do something with your “free” time. Maybe your side hustle right now is part Netflix, part YouTube. Great! You can keep doing those things (no reason to judge yourself.) Or instead of watching cooking shows you can do a little more cooking. Instead of watching videos you can try making your own. You don’t have to keep either up if you don’t want. It’s good to have a reminder that whether you like it or not, you’re spending your time doing something, and that something will gradually become a part of you.
Again, side hustles don’t have to be money-making or draining. (See above.) They can eventually bring you freedom instead of taking it away.
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